1.Corporate Mission:Benefits For Customers, Profits For Shareholders, Wealth For Society
2.Corporate Vision: Concentrate On Dressing Up The World
Concentrate on lighting, Sincere service,Concentrate on dressing up the world.
3.Core Values: Brand By Quality, Successful Career By Integrity--Success from the brand, respect from value.
(1)Brand by quality:quality is the cornerstone of the brand of enterprises to establish. Brand stands for product
quality and service quality. It’s reflecting the corporate reputation, corporate reputation and customer loyalty.
During the process of achieving corporate strategic objectives, PTL people who should train inner and create a
good image, building an international brand.
(2)Successful career by integrity: Integrity will ensure development of enterprise. Integrity throughout the business
management, customer service, communication and cooperation, development and win-win ect everything.
4.Corporate Spirit: Fighting , Innovate , United
(1)Fighting: Perseverance, Courage, Assiduous, Dare to challenge is the human spirit for people in Peak Tech.
(2)Innovate: Keep pace with The Times,Dare to innovate, pursuit of excellence is the holy grail of peak tech person.
(3)United:Mutual support and collaborate with each other, complement each other, overall situation is ensure the
victory for peak tech people.
5.Corporate Working Style: Carefully Planned , Strictly Implementing Every Plan , High-Effect Work
(1)Carefully Planned:forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. No matter whether the thing is large or
small,and the key is planning,the key is careful. To do always have a plan, everything has planned. Everything before
making any decisions, think twice, bold ideas, repeated scrutiny, careful arrangements.
(2)Strictly Implementing Every Plan:details determine success or failure.Firstly we must establish the overall
sense of responsibility. According to the work requirements,working diligently,attention to detail,respond effective.
(3)High-Effect Work:advantages is built by efficiency;Based on the scientific decision-making, program management;
The key parts should be deal by date issue date, appropriately advanced. Pay attention the ways,carefully and
complete on time.